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Video by MidnightTutors
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This question appears in the following syllabi:

SyllabusModuleSectionTopicExam Year
AQA A-Level (UK - Pre-2017)M1KinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
AQA AS Maths 2017MechanicsKinematics and UnitsVelocity-Time Graphs-
AQA AS/A2 Maths 2017MechanicsKinematics and UnitsVelocity-Time Graphs-
CCEA A-Level (NI)M1KinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
CIE A-Level (UK)M1KinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
Edexcel A-Level (UK - Pre-2017)M1KinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
Edexcel AS Maths 2017MechanicsConstant Acceleration MotionVelocity-Time Graphs-
Edexcel AS/A2 Maths 2017MechanicsConstant Acceleration MotionVelocity-Time Graphs-
OCR A-Level (UK - Pre-2017)M1KinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
OCR AS Maths 2017MechanicsUnits and Motion BasicsVelocity-Time Graphs-
OCR MEI AS Maths 2017MechanicsWorking with MotionVelocity-Time Graphs-
OCR-MEI A-Level (UK - Pre-2017)M1KinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
Pre-U A-Level (UK)MechKinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
Universal (all site questions)KKinematicsVelocity-time graphs-
WJEC A-Level (Wales)M1KinematicsVelocity-time graphs-